prisoner of conscience

美 [ˌprɪznər əv ˈkɑːnʃəns]英 [ˌprɪznər əv ˈkɒnʃəns]
  • n.政治犯;(因政治或宗教信仰)被关押的人;宗教犯

复数: prisoners of conscience

prisoner of conscienceprisoner of conscience


【不规则形式】pl. prisoners of conscience

a person who is kept in prison because of his or her political or religious beliefs

prisoner of conscience


  • 1
    N-COUNT 政治犯
    Prisoners of conscience are people who have been put into prison for their political or social beliefs or for breaking the law while protesting against a political or social system.

    The boost to human rights came with the release of prisoners of conscience in Eastern Europe.


  1. Nelson Mandela sacrificed the usual trappings of a good life – family , comfort , professional success – to spend 27 years as a prisoner of conscience in his fight against apartheid .
